【投注平台】 学习经历: 2001年毕业于江苏大学,获机械制造及自动化专业学士学位; 2007年毕业于江苏大学,获得食品科学专业博士学位。 教学及研究经历: 2008.2-2011.8:江苏大学投注平台,副教授/硕士生导师; 2015.12-至今:江苏大学投注平台,博士生导师(破格晋升); 2016.9-至今:江苏大学投注平台,教授(破格晋升); 2011.11-2012.12:丹麦奥胡斯大学多学科交叉纳米科学中心(iNANO),博士后; 2014.1-2017.4: 湖南省林业科学院,博士后 学术社会兼职及荣誉: 江苏省“333工程”中青年学术技术带头人; 江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才; 江苏省“双创博士”计划人选; 江苏大学“青年骨干教师培养工程”青年学术带头人;
国际期刊Frontiers in Microbiology (IF=4.259), 副主编(Food Microbiology); 国际期刊Materials International, Section Editor in Chief (Biomaterials); 国际期刊Applied Energy (IF=8.426), Guest editor; 《投注平台》杂志编委; 担任Critical Reviews in Biotechnology、 Trends in Food Science & Technology、Food Chemistry、Food Control、Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry、Food & Function、Biotechnology for Biofuel、Applied Energy、Energy、Bioenergy Research、中国化学工程学报、农业机械学报等国内外期刊审稿人。
【体育投注平台网址】 天然食品抗菌保鲜剂、功能性食品包装、食品3D打印新技术、植物油脂活性成分利用
【投注平台】 主要论文(第一作者及通讯作者*): 2020年 1.Zhu Yulin, Li Changzhu, Cui Haiying,* Lin Lin*.Feasibility of cold plasma for the control of biofilms in food industry [J]. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 2020, 99: 142-151. (IF=8.519, JCR一区) 2.Siva Subramanian, Li Changzhu, Cui Haiying,* VenkatasamyMeenatchi, Lin Lin*. Encapsulation of essential oil components with methyl-β-cyclodextrin usingultrasonication: Solubility, characterization, DPPH and antibacterial assay [J]. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2020, 64: 104997. (IF=7.279, JCR一区) 3.Cui Haiying, Yang Xiaojing,MohamedA.Abdel-Samie, Lin Lin*. Cold plasma treated phlorotannin/Momordicacharantia polysaccharide nanofiber for active food packaging[J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2020, 239: 116214.(IF=6.044, JCR一区) 4.Yuntao 投注平台#*, Yuan Yuan#, SongqiDuan#, Cheng Li, Bin Hu, Aiping 投注平台, Dingtao Wu, Haiying Cui, Lin Lin*, Jialiang He, Wenjuan Wu. Preparation and characterization of chitosan films with three kinds of molecular weight for food packaging [J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2020, 155: 249-259.(IF=4.784, JCR一区) 5.Lin Lin, Liao Xue, Li Changzhu, Mohamed A. Abdel-Samie,Cui Haiying*. Inhibitory effect of cold nitrogen plasma on Salmonella Typhimurium biofilm and its application on poultry egg preservation[J]. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2020, 126: 109340.(IF=3.714, JCR一区) 6.Cui Haiying, Zhang Chenghui, Li Changzhu, Lin Lin*.Inhibition mechanism of cardamom essential oil on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus biofilm[J]. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2020, 122:109075.(IF=3.714, JCR一区) 7.Cui Haiying, Zhang Chenghui, Li Changzhu, Lin Lin*. Inhibition of Escherichia coli O157:H7 biofilm on vegetable surface by solid liposomes of clove oil [J]. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2020, 117:108656. (IF=3.714, JCR一区) 8.Cui Haiying, DuraiarasanSurendhiran, Li Changzhu, Lin Lin*. Biodegradable Zein active film containing chitosan nanoparticle encapsulated with pomegranate peel extract for food packaging[J]. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 2020, 24: 100511.(IF=3.630, JCR一区) 9.DuraiarasanSurendhiran, Li Changzhu, Cui Haiying,*Lin Lin*. Fabrication of high stability active nanofibers encapsulated with pomegranate peel extract using chitosan/PEO for meat preservation [J]. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 2020, 23: 100439. (IF=3.630, JCR一区) 10.Zhu Yulin, Li Changzhu, Cui Haiying,* Lin Lin*. Plasma enhanced-nutmeg essential oil solid liposome treatment on the gelling and storage properties of pork meat batters [J]. Journal of Food Engineering, 2020, 266: 109696. (IF=3.625, JCR一区) 2019年
1.Cui Haiying#, Chen Xiaochen#, Mei Bai, Dong Han, Lin Lin*, Dong Mingdong*. Multi-pathway Antibacterial Mechanism of Nanoparticle-supported Artemisinin Promoted by Nitrogen Plasma Treatment [J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2019, 11(50): 47299-47310. (IF=8.46, JCR一区) 2.Cui Haiying#,GuZonglin#, Chen Xiaochen#, LinLin,* Wang Zegao, Dai Xing, Yang Zaixing, 投注平台 Lei, ZhouRuhong*, DongMingdong*. Stimulating antibacterial activities of graphitic carbon nitride nanosheets with plasma treatment [J].Nanoscale, 2019,11: 18416-18425.(IF=6.97, JCR一区) 3.Cui Haiying, Siva Subramanian, Lin Lin*.Ultrasound processed cuminaldehyde/2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex: preparation, characterization and antibacterial activity [J]. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2019, 56: 84-93.(IF=7.279, JCR一区) 4.Lin Lin, Wang Xinlei, Cui Haiying*.Inactivation mechanism of E. coli O157:H7 under ultrasonic sterilization [J]. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2019, 59: 104751(IF=7.279, JCR一区) 5.Siva Subramanian, Li Changzhu, Cui Haiying*, Lin Lin*. Encompassment of isoeugenol in 2-hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin using ultrasonication: Characterization, antioxidant and antibacterial activities [J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2019,296, 111777(IF=4.561, JCR一区) 6.Zhu Yulin, Li Changzhu, Cui Haiying,* Lin Lin*. Antimicrobial mechanism of pulsed light for the control of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and its application in carrot juice [J]. Food Control, 2019,106: 106751.(IF=4.248, JCR一区) 7.Lin Lin, Wang Xinlei, Cui Haiying*.Synergistic efficacy of pulsed magnetic fields and Litseacubeba essential oil treatment against Escherichia coli O157:H7 in vegetable juices [J]. Food Control, 2019.106: 106686. (IF=4.248, JCR一区) 8.Lin Lin, Wang Xinlei, He Ronghai, Cui Haiying*.Action mechanism of pulsed magnetic field against E. coli O157:H7 and its application in vegetable juice[J]. Food Control, 2019, 95: 150-156. (IF=4.248, JCR一区) 9.Cui Haiying, Zhang Chenghui,Li Changzhu, Lin Lin*. Preparation and antibacterial activity of Litseacubeba essential oil/dandelion polysaccharide nanofiber [J]. Industrial Crops and Products, 2019, 140: 11739. (IF=4.191, JCR一区) 10.Lin Lin, Chen Wenqing, Li Changzhu, Cui Haiying*.Enhancing stability of Eucalyptus citriodora essential oil by solid nanoliposomes encapsulation [J]. Industrial Crops and Products, 2019, 140: 111615(IF=4.191, JCR一区) 11.Cui Haiying, Zhang Chenghui, Li Changzhu, Lin Lin*. Antibacterial mechanism of oregano essential oil [J]. Industrial Crops and Products, 2019, 139: 111498.(IF=4.191, JCR一区) 12.Hu Wei, Li Changzhu, Dai Jinming, Cui Haiying *, Lin Lin*.Antibacterial activity and mechanism of Litseacubeba essential oil against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) [J]. Industrial Crops and Products, 2019, 130: 34-41. (IF=4.191, JCR一区, ESI高引论文) 13.Lin Lin, Mao Xuefang, Sun Yanhui, GovindanRajivgandhi, Cui Haiying*. Fabrication of nanofibers containing chrysanthemum essential oil for controlling Listeria monocytogenes in beef [J]. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2019, 292: 21-30. (IF=4.006, JCR一区) 14.Lin Lin, GuYulei, Sun Yanhui, Cui Haiying*. Characterization of Chrysanthemum essential oil triple-layer liposomes and its application against Campylobacter jejuni on chicken [J]. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2019, 107: 16-24.(IF=3.714, JCR一区) 15.Lin Lin, GuYulei, Cui Haiying*. Moringa oil/chitosan nanoparticles embedded gelatin nanofibers for food packaging against Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus on cheese [J]. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 2019, 19: 86-93. (IF=3.630, JCR一区) 16.Zhu Yulin, Cui Haiying,* Li Changzhu, Lin Lin*. A novel polyethylene oxide/Dendrobiumofficinalenanofiber: preparation, characterization and application in pork packaging[J]. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 2019, 21: 100329.(IF=3.630, JCR一区) 17.Lin Lin, Liao Xue, Cui Haiying*.Cold plasma treated thyme essential oil/silk fibroin nanofibers against Salmonella typhimurium in poultry meat [J]. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 2019, 21: 100337.(IF=3.630, JCR一区) 18.DuraiarasanSurendhiran, Cui Haiying,Lin Lin*. Encapsulation of Phlorotannin in Alginate/PEO nanofibers to preserve chicken meat from Salmonella contaminations[J]. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 2019, 21: 100346. (IF=3.630, JCR一区) 19.Cui Haiying,Mohamed A.S. Abdel-Samie,Lin Lin*. Novel Packaging Systems in Grape Storage -A Review [J]. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 2019, 42: e13162. 20.Lin Lin, KwabenaAgyemang, Mohamed A. Abdel-Samie, Cui Haiying*. Antibacterial mechanism of Tetrapleuratetraptera extract and its application in pork [J]. Journal of Food Safety, 2019, 39: e12693. 2018年 1. Lin Lin, Zhu Yulin, Changzhu Li, Lei 投注平台, Surendhiran Duraiarasan, Cui Haiying*. Antibacterial activity of PEO nanofibers incorporating polysaccharide extracted from dandelion and its derivative [J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2018, 198: 225-232. (IF=6.044, JCR一区) 2. Lin Lin, Zhu Yulin, Baskar Thangaraj, Mohamed A.S. Abdel-Samie, Cui Haiying*. Improving the properties of thyme essential oil solid liposome by using β-cyclodextrin as a cryoprotectant [J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2018, 188: 243-251. (IF=6.044, JCR一区) 3. Cui Haiying, Bai Mei, Lin Lin*.Plasma-treated poly (ethylene oxide) nanofibers containing tea tree oil/beta-cyclodextrin inclusion complex for antibacterial packaging [J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2018, 179: 360-369. (IF=6.044, JCR一区) 4. Lin Lin, Gu Yulei, Li Changzhu, Vittayapadung Saritporn, Cui Haiying*. Antibacterial mechanism of ε-Poly-lysine against Listeria monocytogenes and its application on cheese [J]. Food Control, 2018, 91: 76-84. (IF=3.667, JCR一区) 5. Cui Haiying, Zhang Chenghui, Li Changzhu, Lin Lin*. Antimicrobial mechanism of clove oil on Listeria monocytogenes [J]. Food Control, 2018, 94: 140-146. (IF=3.667, JCR一区) 6. Cui Haiying, Bai Mei, Yanhui Sun, Mohamed A.S. Abdel-Samie, Lin Lin*. Antibacterial activity and mechanism of Chuzhou chrysanthemum essential oil [J]. Journal of Functional Foods, 2018, 48: 159-166. (IF=3.470, JCR一区) 7. Cui Haiying, Bai Mei, Marwan M.A. Rashed, Lin Lin*. The antibacterial activity of clove oil/chitosan nanoparticles embedded gelatin nanofibers against Escherichia coli O157:H7 biofilms on cucumber [J]. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2018, 266: 69-78. (IF=3.451, JCR一区) 8. Cui Haiying, Bai Mei, Yuan Lu, Surendhiran Duraiarasan, Lin Lin*. Sequential effect of phages and cold nitrogen plasma against Escherichia coli O157:H7 biofilms on different vegetables [J]. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2018, 268:1-9. (IF=3.451, JCR一区) 9. Lin Lin, Liao Xue, Surendhiran Duraiarasan, Cui Haiying*. Preparation of ε-polylysine/chitosan nanofibers for food packaging against Salmonella on chicken [J]. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 2018, 17: 134-141. (IF=3.347, JCR一区) 10. Lin Lin, Gu Yulei, Cui Haiying*. Novel electrospun gelatin-glycerin-ε-Poly-lysine nanofibers for controlling Listeria monocytogenes on beef [J]. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 2018, 18: 21-30. (IF=3.347, JCR一区) 11. Cui Haiying, Bai Mei, Li Changzhu, 投注平台 Rukuan, Lin Lin*. Fabrication of chitosan nanofibers containing tea tree oil liposomes against Salmonella spp. in chicken [J]. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2018, 96: 671-678. (IF=3.129, JCR一区) 12. Lin Lin, Zhu Yulin, Cui Haiying*. Electrospun thyme essential oil/ gelatin nanofibers for active packaging against Campylobacter jejuni in chicken [J]. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2018, 97: 711-718. (IF=3.129, JCR一区) 13. Lin Lin, Mao Xuefang, Sun Yanhui, Cui Haiying*. Antibacterial mechanism of artemisinin / beta-cyclodextrins against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) [J]. Microbial Pathogenesis, 2018, 118: 66-73. 14. Lin Lin, Zhu Yulin, Cui Haiying*. Inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 by poly-L-lysine-coated bacteriophages liposomes treatment in pork [J]. Journal of food safety, 2018, 38(6):e12535. 15. Cui Haiying, Yajie Dai, Lin Lin* Enhancing antibacterial efficacy of nisin in pork by poly-γ-glutamic acid/poly-L-lysine nanoparticles encapsulation [J]. Journal of food safety, 2018, 38(4):e12475. 2017年 1. Lin Lin, Dai Yajie, Cui Haiying*. Antibacterial poly (ethylene oxide) electrospun nanofibers containing cinnamon essential oil/beta-cyclodextrin proteoliposomes [J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2017, 178: 131-140.(IF=6.044, JCR一区) 2. Cui Haiying, Yuan Lu, Lin Lin*. Novel chitosan film embedded with liposome-encapsulated phage for biocontrol of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in beef [J]. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2017, 177: 156-164. (IF=6.044, JCR一区) 3. Cui Haiying, Yuan Lu, Li Wei, Lin Lin*. Antioxidant property of SiO2-eugenol liposome loaded nanofibrous membranes on beef [J]. Food Packaging and Shelf Life, 2017, 11: 49-57. (IF=3.347, JCR一区) 4. Cui Haiying, Wu Juan, Li Changzhu, Lin Lin*. Improving anti-listeria activity of cheese packaging via nanofiber containing nisin-loaded nanoparticles [J]. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2017, 81: 233-242. (IF=3.129, JCR一区, ESI高引论文) 5. Cui Haiying, Yuan Lu, Li Changzhu, Lin Lin*. Control of Staphylococcus aureus on soya bean products by D-amino acids/nutmeg essential oil-co-loaded nanofilms [J]. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2017, 52(11): 2393-2408. 6. Cui Haiying, Yuan Lu, Li Wei, Lin Lin*. Edible films incorporated with chitosan and Artemisia annua oil nanoliposomes for inactivation of E. coli O157:H7 on cherry tomatoes [J]. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2017, 52(3): 687-698. (ESI高引论文) 7. Cui Haiying, Yuan Lu, Ma Cuixia, Li Changzhu, Lin Lin*. Effect of nianoliposome-encapsulated thyme oil on growth of Salmonella enteritidis in chicken [J]. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2017, 41(6): e13299. 8. Cui Haiying, Zhao Chengting, Li Changzhu, Lin Lin*. Essential oils-based antibacterial agent against Escherichia coli O157:H7 biofilm on cucumber [J]. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 2017, 41(5): e13140. 9. Cui Haiying, Li Wei, Lin Lin*. Antibacterial activity of liposome containing curry plant essential oil against Bacillus cereus in rice [J]. Journal of Food Safety, 2017, 37(2): e12303. 10. Cui Haiying, Wu Juan, Li Changzhu, Lin Lin*. Promoting anti-listeria activity of lemongrass oil on pork loin by cold nitrogen plasma assist [J]. Journal of Food Safety, 2017, 37(2): e12316. 2016年 1. Cui Haiying, Wu Juan, Li Changzhu, Lin Lin*. Anti-listeria effects of chitosan-coated nisin-silica liposome on Cheddar cheese [J]. Journal of Dairy Science, 2016, 99(11): 8598-8606.(IF=2.408, JCR一区) 2. Cui Haiying, Wu Juan, Lin Lin*. Inhibitory effect of liposome-entrapped lemongrass oil on the growth of Listeria monocytogenes in cheese [J]. Journal of Dairy Science, 2016, 99(8): 6097-6104. (IF=2.408, , JCR一区) 3. Cui Haiying, Ma Cuixia, Lin Lin*. Co-loaded proteinase K/thyme oil liposomes for inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 biofilms on cucumber [J]. Food & Function, 2016, 7(9): 4030-4040. (IF=3.247, , JCR一区) 4. Cui Haiying, Li Wei, Li Changzhu, Vittayapadung Saritporn, Lin Lin*. Liposome containing cinnamon oil with antibacterial activity against Methicillin-resistant Staphycoccus aureus biofilm [J]. Biofouling, 2016, 32(2): 215-225. (IF=3.0, JCR一区) 5. Cui Haiying, Zhou Hui, Lin Lin*. The specific antibacterial effect of the Salvia oil nanoliposomes against S. aureus biofilms on milk container [J]. Food Control, 2016, 61: 92-98. ( IF=3.496, JCR一区, ESI高引论文) 6. Cui Haiying, Ma Cuixia, Li Changzhu, Lin Lin*. Enhancing the antibacterial activity of thyme oil against Salmonella on eggshell by plasma-assisted process [J]. Food Control, 2016, 70: 183-190. (IF=3.496, JCR一区) 7. Cui Haiying, Li Wei, Lin Lin*. Intelligent release of cinnamon oil from engineered proteoliposome via stimulation of Bacillus cereus protease [J]. Food Control, 2016, 67: 68-74. (IF=3.496, JCR一区) 8. Cui Haiying, Ma Cuixia, Lin Lin*. Synergetic antibacterial efficacy of cold nitrogen plasma and clove oil against Escherichia coli O157:H7 biofilms on lettuce [J]. Food Control, 2016, 66 : 8-16. (IF=3.496, JCR一区) 9. Cui Haiying, Li Wei, Lin Lin*. Bacterial protease triggered clove oil release from proteoliposomes against S. aureus biofilms on dried soybean curd [J]. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(41): 34833-34840. ( IF=3.289) 10. Lin Lin*, Zhang Xuejing, Zhao Chengting, Cui Haiying*. Liposome containing nutmeg oil as the targeted preservative against Listeria monocytogenes in dumplings [J]. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(2): 978-986. (IF=3.289) 11. Huang Zhongliang, Li Hui, Yuan Xingzhong, Lin Lin*, Cao Liang, Xiao Zhihua, Jiang Longbo, Li Changzhu. The energy consumption and pellets’ characteristics in the co-pelletization of oil cake and sawdust [J]. RSC Advances, 2016, 6(23): 19199-19207. ( IF=3.289) 12. Cui Haiying, Li Wei, Li Changzhu, Lin Lin*. Synergitic effect between Helichrysum italicum essential oil and clod nitrogen plasma against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus biofilms on different food-contact surfaces [J]. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2016, 51(11): 2493-2510. 13. Cui Haiying, Zhou Hui, Lin Lin*, Zhao Chengting, Zhang Xuejing, Xiaozhihong, Li changzhu. Antibacterial mechanism of cinnamon essential oil and its application in milk [J]. Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences. 2016, 26 (2): 532-541. 2015年 1. Lin Lin, Cui Haiying, Zhou Hui, Zhang Xuejing, 投注平台 Lei, Christian Bortolini, Chen Menglin, Dong Mingdong. Nanoliposomes containing Eucalyptus citriodora as antibiotic with specific antimicrobial activity [J]. Chemical Communications, 2015, 51 (13): 2653-2655. ( IF=6.834, JCR一区) 2. Cui Haiying, Zhao Chengting, Lin Lin*. The specific antibacterial activity of liposome-encapsulated Clove oil and its application in tofu [J]. Food Control, 2015, 56 : 128-134. (IF=3.496, JCR一区, ESI高引论文) 3. Lin Lin, Cui Haiying*, Vittayapadung Saritporn, Xiao Zhihong, Zhang Aihua, 投注平台 Rukuan, Li Changzhu*. Synthesis of KF/CaO as a catalyst for the production of bio-fuel from cracking of Cornus wisoniana oil [J]. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 2015, 117(3): 406-410. 4. Cui Haiying, Zhang Xuejing, Zhou Hui, Zhao Chengting, Xiao Zhihong, Lin Lin*, Li Changzhu. Antibacterial properties of nutmeg oil in pork and its possible mechanism [J]. Journal of Food Safety, 2015, 35(3): 370-377. 5. Cui Haiying, Zhang Xuejing, Zhou Hui, Zhao Chengting, Lin Lin*. Antimicrobial activity and mechanisms of Salvia sclarea essential oil [J]. Botanical Studies, 2015, 56: 16. 6. Cui Haiying, Zhao Chengting, Lin Lin*. Antibacterial activity of Helichrysum italicum oil on vegetable and its mechanism of action [J]. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 2015, 39 (6): 2663-2672. 2014年及之前 1. Lin Lin*, Cui Haiying, He Ronghai, 投注平台 Lei, Zhou Cunshan, Wael Mamdouh, Ma Haile. Effect of ultrasonic treatment on the morphology of casein particles [J]. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2014, 21(2):513-519. (IF=6.012, JCR一区) 2. Lin Lin, Cui Haiying, Zeng Guanghong, Zhang Haifang, Chen Mengling, Xu Mingqiang, Shen Xiangqian, Dong Mingdong. Ag/CuFe2O4 magnetic hollow fibers for recyclable antibacterial materials [J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2013, 1(21): 2719-2723. (IF=5.047, JCR一区) 3. Lin Lin*, Zhou Cunshan, Vittayapadung Saritporn, Shen Xiangqian, Dong Mingdong. Opportunities and challenges for biodiesel fuel [J]. Applied Energy, 2011, 88 (4): 1020-1031. (IF=8.426, JCR一区, ESI 热点论文323次,一区) 4. Lin Lin*, Dong Ying, Chaitep Sumpun, Vittayapadung Saritporn. Biodiesel production from crude rice bran oil and properties as fuel [J]. Applied Energy, 2009, 86 (5): 681-688. (IF=8.426, ESI高引论文166次,, JCR一区) 5. Lin Lin, Zhang Haifang, Cui Haiying, Xu Mingqiang, Cao Shunsheng, Dong Mingdong. Preparation and antibacterial activity of hollow silica-Ag spheres [J]. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2013, 101(1): 97-100. (IF=4.152, JCR一区) 6. Lin Lin*, Li Xiaoqiang, Cui Fengjie, Zhou Haining, Shen Xiangqian, Dong Mingdong. Transesterification of rapeseed oil to biodiesel on CaO/α-Fe hollow fiber catalyst: Optimization by response surface methodology [J]. Bioenergy Research, 2012, 5(4): 949-957. ( IF=3.541) 7. Lin Lin*, Cui Haying, Vittayapadung Saritporn, Xiao Zhihong, Wu Wenyu, Zhang Aihua, Wael Mamdouh, Li Changzhu. Synthesis of recyclable hollow Fe/C-SO3H fiber as a catalyst for the production of biodiesel [J]. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 2014, 33(4): 1432-1437. 8. Lin Lin*, Vittayapadung Saritporn, Li Xiaoqiang, Weiwei Jiang, Shen Xiangqian. Synthesis of magnetic calcium oxide hollow fiber catalyst for the production of biodiesel [J].Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 2013, 32(4):1255-1261. 9. Daming Huang, Haining Zhou, Lin Lin*. Biodiesel: an Alternative to Conventional Fuel [C]. International Conference on Energy and Environment, 2011, Shenzhen, China. 10. Lin Lin*, Dong Ying, Xu Ziming, Wang Zhong. Biodiesel production from rice bran oil by means of ultrasonic energy and emission properties as engine fuel [J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2008, 24(8): 202-205. 主要著作:
1.Lin Lin*, Mohamed A.S. Abdel-Samie, Cui Haiying, 2019. Novel Packaging Systemsin Food. In: Ferranti, P., Berry, E.M., Anderson, J.R. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of FoodSecurity and Sustainability, vol. 1, pp. 484–491.Elsevier.ISBN: 9780128126875. 2.Cui Haiying, Mohamed A.S. Abdel-Samie,Lin Lin*. 2019. Application of Antimicrobial-Loaded Nano/Micro-Capsules in Different Food Products. Application of Nano/Micro-Encapsulated Ingredients in Food Products, vol. 6. Elsevier. 3.DuraiarasanSurendhiran, Haiying Cui, Lin Lin*. 2020. Mode of Transfer, Toxicity and Negative Impacts of Engineered Nanoparticles on Environment, Human and Animal Health. The ELSI Handbook of Nanotechnology: Risk, Safety, ELSI and Commercialization, Chapter 9, PP. 165-204, Wiley. ISBN: 9781119592990. 4.王允祥,李峰主编(编写脂类代谢部分). 《投注平台》[M].华中科技大学出版社,2011.
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